In April 2022, we received a message. Hello, that’s the French channel The Brut, and we really love your portfolio. Would you like to come to Manchester tomorrow? We are shooting quite a big celebrity tomorrow and we still haven’t got people who can professionally record it in Manchester, so you might be interested. The majority of the team has been booked for the date, so we asked the Brut’s manager which kind of quality they expect, how big the crew should be and what equipment we have to get.
Everything they'd mentioned was available at the time, so we agreed. Part of the crew had got a flight to Manchester and only after arrival were we told that we'd going to film Paul Pogba - probably the most famous French footballer.
At the same studio, 5 different French channels occupied the space set up the equipment so Paul just had to move around them, not wasting time waiting. Every team has been prepared. When he entered, some of the assistants immediately suggested water, the costume department suggested changing the clothes.