Olha Hercules is a writer, blogger and culinary stylist who introduced to international society the Ukrainian cousins. She wrote a number of books about Ukrainian cuisine and those have been translated into more than 10 languages. Every year (before the Russian-Ukrainian war started ) she used to go on expeditions with people of different nations to share with them the uniqueness of the cuisine through authentic recipes of the cuisine of Ukraine. During the actual interview she said:
“...I believe that this is the mission of my generation. It is our responsibility to rediscover and preserve old recipes and stories”.
And we somehow agreed with her. Making documentaries, discovering new talents and sharing their stories with the world. It is our responsibility, duty and mission. We have to rediscover and preserve all the good from the past and create something new for the future.
Videographers from our team - Violetta Coretnic and Vitalii Vakulchuk joined Ukraïner on this documentary as camera operator and DoP. We worked with them for a month to make this actual documentary. Working on the documentary shooting, we worked with different lighting sources and the sound equipment (different for different locations and situations). Documentary videography is a thing we started doing only after meeting the Ukraïner team via zoom.
We stream has also filmed another documentary for this project. If you want to see a story about the Plast organisation - click the button.
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Interview video shooting in London and across the UK is the main priority for us nowadays. We Stream have a professional videographers team who can film the documentary for any purpose. Documentaries filmed in London and the UK can be into 2 kinds. One of them is a YouTube kind of documentary and the second variant of how it can look is a TV documentary to share the ideas worldwide.
We stream can provide UK-based videographers who can speak English, Ukrainian and Russian fluently. We also provide transcribing options for people who are looking for multilingual videographers. So, if you’re looking for a team of professionals who are amazing digital content creators - you can always contact us. We stream are the best British cinematographers based in London.